Wrocław University of Science and Technology is one of the largest and best technical universities in Poland. Development of WUST is confirmed by research potential, didactics at the highest level, creating innovation, transferring knowledge and also cooperation with business and local government. The rating of the University is confirmed by the results that the University achieves in annual Polish and international rankings, in which it continues to occupy the top position. WUST is a member of the European University Association. The University is also actively involved in numerous international research programmes within: EUREKA, COST, ARISS, The Coal And Steel Fund and Structural Funds (foresight).
WUST offers Bachelor, Master and PhD programmes taught fully in English or in Polish at 13 faculties and 3 branches. WUST has contacts with many educational and research institutions and it allows to go abroad, joint projects such as: Erasmus+, Student Exchange Programmes, Double Degree Master Programme T.I.M.E, Polish and American Fullbright Commission, DAAD, Vulcanus in Japan, CEEPUS, Summer Schools. Students have the opportunity to participate in various job placements and carry out their diplomas in the branches of renowned companies around the world.