Field of study: Chemistry
Specialization: Medicinal Chemistry
Medicinal chemistry is a scientific discipline at the intersection of chemistry and computational science, connected with designing, synthesizings and developing new pharmaceuticals. At the beginning, medicinal
chemistry was involved in screening of natural sources like plants or animals for bioactive compounds. Now, natural products serve as the lead structures in the synthesis and development of new chemical entities
dedicated for therapeutic use. Medicinal chemistry includes preparation and analysis of existing and new potential drugs, evaluation of their biological properties, analysis of structure-activity relationships. It is a highly
interdisciplinary field widely using advanced, synthetic, spectroscopic and computational methods. Thus, medicinal chemists cooperate with theoretical chemists, synthetic chemists, medical doctors, microbiologists
and pharmacologists. The graduation document certifies the degree in chemistry with the notification of a deepened specialisation in Medicinal Chemistry. The study for applicants without engineering degree lasts 2
years, otherwise 1.5 years only.
»Environmental Protection
»Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering
»Technical Safety
»Technical Drawing
»Recycling of Materials
» Biotechnology with Introduction to Industrial Microbiology
»Fundamentals of Chemical Technology
»Measurements in Chemical Equipment
»Introduction to Chemical Engineering
»Optional course
»Structure and Crystallography of Solids
» Analytical Methods in Drug Design and Technology
»Physical Organic Chemistry
»Introductory Statistics
»Molecular Modelling
»Retrieval of Scientific and Technical Information
»Medicinal Natural Products
»Synthetic Organic Drugs
»Managerial course
»Rational Drug Design
»Graduate Laboratory I
»Inorganic Drugs
»Polymers in Medicine
»Production Control and Quality Management
»Managerial course
» M athematical Methods in Design and Analysis of Experiment
»Graduate Laboratory II
»Graduation Seminar and Thesis Preparation
The students are educated in the field of chemistry, mainly synthesis, structure analysis including spectroscopic methods, molecular modelling and they have training in medicinal chemistry.
Some students, depending on their Master's thesis topic, may accomplish part of their research and/or graduate laboratory at Medical University, under supervision of medical doctors or in the
Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy in Wrocław. Master's Degree programmes provide many skills and abilities demanded in scientific laboratories as well as in modern chemical
and pharmaceutical industry.