Medical, health and sport sciences
Bachelor Programme
Mode of studies: 
full-time programme
3 years
Tuition fee: 
16 250 PLN per semester
Degree awarded: 
Bachelor of Science
Application deadline: 
niedziela, 31 Lipiec, 2022
Start semestru: 
poniedziałek, 3 Październik, 2022
Credits (ECTS): 
60 per year
Admission requirements: 

Detailed admission requirements and application deadlines for the 2022/23 intake will soon be provided.

In the meantime, we invite you to explore our English Division website: https://study.cm.umk.pl/.


The 3-year Nursing programme is offered by the Faculty of Health Sciences. It is a gateway for professionals who are prepared to provide direct health care services to children and adults in hospital wards, general and specialist clinics, emergency medicine departments, institutional care facilities, social care centres, health resorts, as well as in community or industrial health care. Courses take place in specially-equipped labs where our students practice nursing procedures in simulated conditions. The skills are then transferred to real-life situations during work placements in various healthcare institutions.

The programme includes such courses as: anatomy, biophysics, primary health care, pharmacology, physiology, radiology, physical examination, surgery, emergency medicine, internal medicine, anaesthesiology, psychiatry, intensive care, gynaecology, obstetrics, wound management, rehabilitation, nephrology, paediatrics, geriatrics, gastroenterology, allergology, and many others.

The curriculum covers theoretical and practical aspects of nursing, encompassing the following areas: health promotion, preventive health care, health education, and – most importantly – a broad scope of treatment, rehabilitation and nursing procedures. It includes basic medical sciences, social sciences basics of nursing care and a cross-section of specialist nursing care related to internal medicine, paediatrics, surgery, midwifery, gynaecology, psychiatry, critical care, rehabilitation, neurology, geriatrics, palliative care and basics of emergency medicine.