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University of Lodz's SmartUni App awarded by EUPRIO

The SmartUni project, launched by the University of Lodz with co-financing from the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, has gained international recognition, as well as prizes and all-European coverage. It is a mobile application that serves as a newcomer’s guide to the UL, city of Lodz, and Poland. At the launching stage, the project won third prize (PLN 100’000) in the co-financing contest for promotion of Polish universities abroad, set in 2014 by the Ministry of Science of...

Nearly 103 million euros for Poland for Erasmus+ in 2016

Poland will receive nearly 103 million euros for the implementation of the EU’s Erasmus+ in 2016. The biggest budget - exceeding 45 million euros - will be at the disposal of the higher education sector. European Union programme Erasmus+ was launched in January 2014. It replaced several previous educational programs, including "Learning for Life" and "Youth in Action". It will run until 2020, with the total budget of € 14.7 billion, of which in 2016 - 2.2 billion. It is planned that during its...

Easier recognition of professional qualifications acquired abroad

Simpler procedures for the recognition in Poland of professional qualifications acquired abroad and introduction of a European professional card in Poland are envisaged by the law signed on January 7 by President Andrzej Duda. The law adjusts Polish law to EU directive on the recognition of professional qualifications. It also ensures application of EU regulation on administrative cooperation through the Internal Market Information System IMI. The new provisions will facilitate the flow of...

Ten Polish teams want to take part in the University Rover Challenge

Ten teams from Polish registered to participate in the international competition of Mars rovers: University Rover Challenge that will take place in the United States on 2 - 4 June. In total, 63 teams from 12 countries want to compete. University Rover Challenge (URC) is a prestigious international competition of Mars rovers built by students. The event takes place in the American desert in Utah near Mars base analogue MDRS. Student rovers have to perform a number of tasks. They will have to...

Four young Poles among the winners of ERC grants

Two Poles who will conduct research in Poland, and two - abroad received prestigious Starting Grants of the European Research Council (ERC). On Friday, the ERC announced that grants with a total value of 429 million euros had been awarded to 291 young scientists. The competition results are summarized in the European Commission release sent to PAP. Among this year's grants winners are two scientists who will carry out research in Poland - both associated wit the Faculty of Mathematics, Computer...

The Youth Mobility Program Poland - Canada

100 000 Canadians visit ad 1000 Canadians study in Poland every year. The Youth Mobility Program Poland - Canada allows Canadian citizens between the ages of 18 and 35 to travel, study and work in Poland up to a year. Poland is the only European country that has not faced recession for over 20 years. Modern houses, new roads, swimming pools, shopping malls – Poland is still developing dynamically. Poland offers competitive costs of living and studying as well as over 450 higher education...

Foundation for Polish Science Prizes, so-called Polish Nobel Prizes presented

Foundation for Polish Science Prize, sometimes called the "Polish Nobel Prize", was presented in Warsaw to three scientists. The winners are Stanisław Penczek, Kazimierz Rzążewski and Jerzy Jedlicki. The prize amount is 200 thousand zlotys. During the ceremony, one of the winners, Prof. Kazimierz Rzążewski spoke about the problems of the academic community and wished that the new Minister of Science and Higher Education Jarosław Gowin try to instil the ideas of de-regulation in Polish science...

Inauguration of the first edition of Ignacy Łukasiewicz programme

On November 27, 57 scholarship holders from 13 countries have officially started their university courses in Poland. The inauguration ceremony was held in Warsaw in the presence of MFA Undersecretary of State - Konrad Pawlik who addressed a welcoming speech to Programme participants and recalled the heritage of Ignacy Łukasiewicz. The programme is a new scholarship initiative undertaken within the framework of Polish aid. Named after Ignacy Łukasiewicz – Polish prominent philanthropist and...


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