Being the largest technical university in the north-east of Poland Bialystok University of Technology gathers the greatest individuals whose achievements render the name of the university famous all around the world! Hyperion and Recon, high-tech devices constructed on the mechanical and electrical faculties shall be mentioned.
Not only are we proud of our students, but also want them to be proud of their university!
Therefore we continuously develop, modernise the laboratories, build new facilities, such as: the modern library and the sport centre.
At present there are nearly 13.000 students studying at Bialystok University of Technology on the following faculties: Architecture, Civil Engineering and Environmental Protection, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, Management, Forestry.
Among the above mentioned number there are more than 450 exchange students and 160 exchange staff academic staff. Worth mentioning is the presence of 277 bilateral agreements signed with many European and non-European universities around the world.
Bialystok University of Technology has its door open to every candidate wishing to become a part of our prospective present and future! Come and experience it yourself!