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Gowin: We need to reflect on new solutions for universities

We need to reflect together on new system solutions, leading to the adoption - in this term - of a new law on higher education - said Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Science and Higher Education Jarosław Gowin. Ministry of Science and Higher Education held a gala of the "Law 2.0" competition. Three competitive teams selected in the competition will receive 300 thousand zlotys grants to prepare guidelines for the new Law on Higher Education. The teams will also conduct a public consultation...

Students from Rzeszów win the Mars rovers competition again

Legendary Rover Team from Rzeszów University of Technology for the second time won the prestigious race Mars rovers competition - University Rover Challenge, which ended in the US. Third place went to the team Continuum from the University of Wroclaw. University Rover Challenge (URC) is a prestigious international competition of Mars rover built by students from all over the world. Students competed on 2 - 4 June in the American desert in Utah near the Mars base analogue MDRS. Among the 28...

Call for applications – The Stefan Banach Scholarship Programme and The Ignacy Łukasiewicz Scholarship Programme.

The new enrolments to The Stefan Banach Scholarship Programme and The Ignacy Łukasiewicz Scholarship Programme have been launched. Scholarships are addressed to the citizens of developing countries. Scholarships offered as a part of these programmes include free 2nd degree studies and 3rd degree studies conducted in public universities supervised by the minister responsible for higher education. Detailed information about the programmes and enrolment process are published...

The number of international students in Poland continues to grow

Central Statistical Office: the number of international students in Poland continues to grow. Now it is 57 thousand people - about 11 thousand more than a year before. According to the latest CSO data, more than 57,000 foreigners study in Poland; a year before it was only 46 thousand people from abroad. In one year, Poland gained 11 thousand international students. This is over 23 percent increase. Students from abroad now represent approx. 4 percent of the total number of students in our...

Students are more mobile than academics

In the academic year 2014/2015 more than 16.8 thousand Polish students and 6.3 thousand academics benefited from the Erasmus+ programme. Students are more mobile than academics - said Deputy Minister of Science Piotr Dardziński and reminded that the Ministry of Science wants to increase the mobility of researchers. The functioning of Erasmus+ in Poland was discussed last week on Thursday by members of the Sejm Permanent Subcommittee for the Youth. According to data presented by the Deputy...

Students of Poznan University of Technology won Design for New Bollywood Tower in Mumbai

Poznan University of Technology students: Jagoda Nowakowska, Magdalena Skop and Monika Woźniak, fifth-year students at the Faculty of Architecture won Design for New Bollywood Tower in Mumbai - competition organised by the international platform Archasm. The competition received as many as 283 projects from all over the world! PUT students received first price! The winners of the competition, Jagoda Nowakowska, Magdalena Skop and Monika Woźniak submitted a design of a skyscraper, whose...

Mars rover "Lem" from Gdańsk University of Technology

Gdańsk University of Technology students have built their own Mars rover. "Lem" - named in honour of the famous science fiction writer - will start in the American competition University Rover Challenge 2016, and later serve as an educational platform for students of robotics. Qualification process for University Rover Challenge (URC) is still in progress. In late March it will turn out which teams will have an opportunity to test the possibilities and, above all, agility of their rovers in the...

Polish Studies program at the University of Cambridge

The Polish Studies program was launched at the University of Cambridge two years ago and already enjoys considerable popularity. However, raising an endowment is needed to ensure the program continuation - announced the Foundation for Polish Science representatives at conference in Warsaw. The Polish Studies program was launched in 2014 at the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages, University of Cambridge. It was created with the involvement of, among others, Foundation for Polish Science...


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