fbpx Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences | study.gov.pl


Established (year): 
Public University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Main specialization(s): 
Food science
Veterinary science
Students (total): 
8.00 thousand
Academic staff: 
1.60 thousand


WROCŁAW UNIVERSITY OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND LIFE SCIENCES (UPWr) is one of the best specialist public universities in Poland. It conducts training and research in the following fields: agriculture, natural sciences, engineering and technology. The profile of UPWr and its mission are directly involved in transformation programmes dealing with rural development, animal health, environmental protection, land management and food quality, with full respect paid to social support and interaction. The knowledge acquired and the research projects realised at UPWr make provision for future development which is environmentally sustainable and friendly to human and animal welfare.

 Undergraduate and postgraduate study programmes are offered in 28 fields by 5 faculties:

·      Faculty of Biology and Animal Science

·      Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Science

·      Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy

·      Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

·      Faculty of Life Sciences and Technology

The UPWr Doctoral School provides PhD programmes in 3 fields: agricultural, natural and engineering and technology sciences.






Area Programme Level Mode of studies Unit Language Contact
Agricultural, forestry and veterinary sciences Agronomy Doctoral studies full-time programme Doctoral Program (PhD) EN szkola.doktorska@upwr.edu.pl more
Agricultural, forestry and veterinary sciences Animal husbandry Doctoral studies full-time programme Doctoral Program (PhD) EN szkola.doktorska@upwr.edu.pl more
Biological sciences Biology Doctoral studies full-time programme Doctoral Program (PhD) EN szkola.doktorska@upwr.edu.pl more
Agricultural, forestry and veterinary sciences Circular Economy Bachelor Programme full-time programme Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy EN admission@upwr.edu.pl more
Science Civil engineering Doctoral studies full-time programme Doctoral Program (PhD) EN szkola.doktorska@upwr.edu.pl more
Science Environmental and Land Engineering Doctoral studies full-time programme Doctoral Program (PhD) EN szkola.doktorska@upwr.edu.pl more
Agricultural, forestry and veterinary sciences Food technology and human nutrition Doctoral studies full-time programme Doctoral Program (PhD) EN szkola.doktorska@upwr.edu.pl more
Agricultural, forestry and veterinary sciences Food technology and human nutrition Master's Programme full-time programme Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Science EN admission@upwr.edu.pl more
Science Geoinformation Science, Earth Observation and Spatial Management Doctoral studies full-time programme Doctoral Program (PhD) EN szkola.doktorska@upwr.edu.pl more
Agricultural, forestry and veterinary sciences Veterinary science Long cycle Master's Programme (9-12 semesters) full-time programme Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (uniform master programme) EN admission@upwr.edu.pl more
Agricultural, forestry and veterinary sciences Veterinary science Doctoral studies full-time programme Doctoral Program (PhD) EN szkola.doktorska@upwr.edu.pl more

Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences's news

UPWr Intensive Course - New date!

Where? Wrocław, Poland When? November 13th-15th, 2024 NEW DEADLINE for Environmental Sciences Course! October 23 th, 2024 Interview October 24 th 2014 What is the fee? The Intensive Course is free for successfully admitted participants. Who is it for? The target group are PhD students in natural sciences from foreign universities who are interested in science and would like to participate...

UPWr Intensive Course

Where? Wrocław, Poland When? July 2th – 4th, 2024 Registration deadline: May 20th, 2024 What is the fee? The Intensive Course is free for successfully admitted participants. Who is it for? The target group are PhD students in natural sciences from foreign universities who are interested in science and would like to participate in one of the four intensive courses. On-campus workshops –...

GATHERS Summer school in Wrocław, September 2022

DATE: 19th – 24th September 2022 FEE: NONE HOST: Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences (UPWr) LOCATION: Wrocław and Rybnik, Poland TOPICS: InSAR, LiDAR, GNSS-seismology for monitoring and modelling the Earth’s surface deformations and seismic risk PARTICIPANTS: MSc, PhD students, researchers and professional LiDAR, GNSS and InSAR users. The participants in the GATHERS summer...

UPWr Summer School on natural sciences

Where? Wrocław, Poland and online When? July 4th – 8th, 2022 online lectures July 11th – 15th, 2022 workshops on the UPWr campus What is the fee? The summer school is free for successfully admitted participants. All students receive scholarships . Who is it for? UPWr Summer School offers 2-week-long courses on natural sciences at the Wroclaw University of...

UPWr summer school for prospective PhD students

We invite international students to take part in our Summer School! UPWr Summer School offers 2-weeks-long courses on natural sciences at Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences (UPWr). The program is targeted at students in their final years of master course of respective scientific areas from foreign universities, who would like to apply for a PhD after graduation. UPWr Summer School is a great opportunity to deepen theoretical and acquire practical knowledge,...

Вебинар для иностранных абитуриентов ; Вебінар для іноземних кандидатів на навчання

Приглашаем на встречу онлайн кандидатов на обучение во Вроцлавском университете естественных наук. Дата вебинара 5 августа в 13.00 польского времени (в 14.00 - Беларусь, Украина, другие страны) На вебинар можна зарегистрироваться тут . Запрошуємо до зустрічі онлайн кандидатів на навчання у...

Free webinar for applicants in English

The admission is ongoing and we know that you have a lot of questions. We would like to give answers to them all. Let's meet on August 6th 2020 (Thursday) at 1 p.m. Polish time . You will find out more about the last steps of admission process, arrival to Poland and how to find your's place in new’s reality as a first year student of UPWr! You can register...

Webinarium dla kandydatów na studia

Rekrutacja trwa, macie wiele pytań, na który my pragniemy odpowiedzieć. Spotkajmy się na webinarium 4 sierpnia (wtorek) o godzinie 13:00 . Dowiecie się, jak aplikować i poruszać się po systemie rekrutacyjnym, gdzie i kiedy składać dokumenty, a także co powinien taki komplet zawierać. Nie masz jeszcze pomysłu na swoją studencką karierę? Przybliżymy Ci naszą ofertę! Na webinarium możecie zarejestrować się...
