The WSB Merito University in Opole is part of the WSB Merito University in Wrocław, which means you can study on the Opole campus while earning a degree from the prestigious Wrocław-based institution of higher learning. he WSB University in Wrocław was established over 20 years ago, and its Opole campus is more than 11 years old. Our history began in 2007 with the launch of our premier courses in economics.
As a provider of quality business education, we make every effort to enable you to:
- blend knowledge from different domains and apply it in the workplace
- select a degree program that will provide you with relevant and immediately applicable skills, e.g. in running a business of your own
- meet field experts – because we strongly promote networking and experience sharing among students and teachers
- interact with accomplished representatives of the business community, including the city’s and region’s leading companies; their involvement in classroom teaching stands for direct transfer of know-how and compelling case studies