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Established (year): 
Public University of Technology
Main specialization(s): 
Electronics and telecommunications
Informatics, control engineering and robotics
Students (total): 
15.44 thousand
Academic staff: 
1.30 thousand


Poznan University of Technology grew out of the State School of Mechanical Engineering which was established in 1919. With 100 years of experience in engineering education, PUT has proven itself as a high-quality and affordable destination for international students. PUT offers wide study options and cost-effective tuition fees (ranging from USD 1,000 – 1,600 per semester; completely free of charge for EU students) in a city where the cost of living is very reasonable. Poznan University of Technology has over 1,300 academic staff to support its almost 16,000 students across 9 faculties, offering 33 fields of study and over 100 specializations. According to the US News Best Global Universities, Poznan University of Technology has been ranked within the top 4 technical universities in the country. Furthermore, in the most recent Academic Ranking of World Universities (known as Shanghai Ranking), PUT was ranked among 500 best universities in the world in two disciplines: computer science and mechanical engineering. PUT offers broad variety of undergraduate, graduate programs and also runs Interdisciplinary Doctoral School in English. According to its motto: "PUT – technology in a positive feeling", Poznan University of Technology has a great concern for its students and guarantees they enjoy high-quality teaching in a friendly study and living environment.



Area Programme Level Mode of studies Unit Language Contact
Technological sciences Architecture Bachelor Programme full-time programme B.Sc. in Architecture EN study@put.poznan.pl more
Technological sciences Architecture and urban planning Master's Programme full-time programme M.Sc. in Architecture EN study@put.poznan.pl more
Technological sciences Automatic control and robotics Master's Programme full-time programme M.Sc. in Automatic Control and Robotics EN study@put.poznan.pl more
Technological sciences Automatic control and robotics Bachelor Programme full-time programme B.Sc. in Automatic Control and Robotics EN study@put.poznan.pl more
Technological sciences Biomedical engineering Master's Programme full-time programme M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering EN study@put.poznan.pl more
Technological sciences Biomedical engineering Bachelor Programme full-time programme B.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering EN study@put.poznan.pl more
Technological sciences Chemical technology Master's Programme full-time programme M.Sc. in Chemical Technology EN study@put.poznan.pl more
Technological sciences Chemical technology Bachelor Programme full-time programme B.Sc. in Chemical Technology EN study@put.poznan.pl more
Technological sciences Civil engineering Master's Programme full-time programme M.Sc. in Civil Engineering, specialization: Structural Engineering EN study@put.poznan.pl more
Technological sciences Civil engineering Master's Programme full-time programme M.Sc. in Civil Engineering, specialization: Construction Engineering Management EN study@put.poznan.pl more
Technological sciences Civil engineering Bachelor Programme full-time programme B.Sc. in Sustainable Building Engineering EN study@put.poznan.pl more
Technological sciences Computer science Master's Programme full-time programme M.Sc. in Computing, specialization: Software Engineering EN study@put.poznan.pl more
Technological sciences Computer science Master's Programme full-time programme M.Sc. in Computing, specialization: Cybersecurity EN study@put.poznan.pl more
Technological sciences Computer science Master's Programme full-time programme M.Sc. in Artificial Intelligence EN study@put.poznan.pl more
Technological sciences Computer science Bachelor Programme full-time programme B.Sc. in Artificial Intelligence EN study@put.poznan.pl more
Technological sciences Electrical engineering Master's Programme full-time programme M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering EN study@put.poznan.pl more
Technological sciences Electronics and telecommunications Master's Programme full-time programme M.Sc. in Electronics and Telecommunications, duration: 4 semesters EN study@put.poznan.pl more
Technological sciences Electronics and telecommunications Master's Programme full-time programme M.Sc. in Electronics and Telecommunications, duration: 3 semesters EN study@put.poznan.pl more
Technological sciences Electronics and telecommunications Bachelor Programme full-time programme B.Sc. in Electronics and Telecommunications EN study@put.poznan.pl more
Technological sciences Energetics Master's Programme full-time programme M.Sc. in Green Energy EN study@put.poznan.pl more
Technological sciences Logistics Master's Programme full-time programme M.Sc. in Logistics EN study@put.poznan.pl more
Technological sciences Management and Finance Master's Programme full-time programme M.Sc. in Engineering Management EN study@put.poznan.pl more
Technological sciences Management: Business and Finance Management Bachelor Programme full-time programme B.Sc. in Engineering Management EN study@put.poznan.pl more
Technological sciences Mechanical engineering Master's Programme full-time programme M.Sc. in Mechanical and Automotive Engineering EN study@put.poznan.pl more
Technological sciences Mechatronics Master's Programme full-time programme M.Sc. in Mechatronics EN study@put.poznan.pl more
Technological sciences Production engineering Master's Programme full-time programme M.Sc. in Product Lifecycle Engineering EN study@put.poznan.pl more
Technological sciences Transport Master's Programme full-time programme M.Sc. in Transport EN study@put.poznan.pl more

Poznan University of Technology's news

Poznan University of Technology has joined FOLDING@HOME campaign

Scientists from Poznan University of Technology from the Faculty of Engineering Management have joined the FOLDING@HOME campaign. Fifteen Laboratory computers of the Institute of Safety and Quality Engineering are working for this action. FOLDING@HOME is an online project organized by Stanford University in the United States. The project aims to study protein-folding processes and focuses on studying the way a protein molecule folds in space. Any internet user who wants to participate in the...

Poznan University of Technology has joined #printfordoctor #drukujdlalekarza campaign.

Poznan University of Technology, namely, the employees of the Faculty of Control, Robotics and Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Energy, and students from the CybAiR Science Circle, have joined to the #printfordoctor #drukujdlalekarza campaign. By the 24th of April, PUT has printed and distributed to those in need 5237 visors! ! Those who have a 3D printer...

PUT students - winners in NASA Space Apps Challenge

PUT students of Computer Science at the Faculty of Computing and Telecommunications of Poznan University of Technology - Maciej Czyżewski, Daniel Nowak, Kamil Piechowiak who operate in the GHOST Science Club have won the NASA Space Apps Challenge in the "Best Use of Science" category. As a reward, they have been invited to the Kennedy Space Center in the USA, where they will participate in the start of the NASA Mars 2020 mission. More information : https://2019.spaceappschallenge.org/challenges...

Gold medals for Poznan University of Technology Team in SAE Aero Design

On 6-8 April 2018 in Los Angeles, California, USA took place the competition of Society of Automotive Engineers SAE Aero Design West 2018. The representation of the Academic Aviation Club of Poznan University of Technology received Gold medals 1st place in the general classification of the Regular class 1st place in the flight classification 1st place in the classification of technical presentations SAE Aero Design is an international academic competition organized for over 30 years by the...

PhD student of Poznan University of Technology won in World Glider Aerobatic Championships

On 27 July - 5 August 2017 at the airport of the Pomeranian Aero Club in Torun took place the 20th FAI World Glider Aerobatic Championships and 8th FAI World Advanced Glider Aerobatic Championships. The competition was attended by 58 competitors from 14 countries. The Polish team, which included Agata Nykaza, PhD student of Poznan University of Technology, won the gold medal in the team category of World Glider Aerobatic Championships . Additionally, Agata Nykaza took 4th place in the...

The success of the students of Poznan University of Technology in China's Silicon Valley

Students from Scientific Circle MECHATRON of Poznan University of Technology won medals at the robotics competition in Beijing called "Robotchallenge 2017". Mariusz Pałubicki won in the linefollower enchanced category, while Łukasz Antczak, Jakub Bartoszek and Jakub Matyszczak took third place in the freestyle category for the construction of the walking robot. RobotChallenge is the largest and most prestigious robot competition in Europe since 2004. This year the organizers decided to organize...

Poznan University of Technology became second most popular University in academic year 2016/2017 among other polish universities.

The average number of candidates per one place at PUT was six – According to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland. Technical Universities were the most frequently selected universities. This Year the ranking was dominated by technical universities. The first four places are: Warsaw University of Technology (approx. 7 candidates per place), Poznan University of Technology (6 candidates), Gdansk University of Technology (5.8) and the Technical University of Lodz...

Scientists from Poznan University of Technology - prizewinners of Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education award 2016.

With a great pleasure, we would like to inform that PUT’s employees received an award of Minister of Science and Higher Education for 2016 in a field of lifetime achievement, scientific and didactic achievements and for organizational achievements. Price for lifetime achievement • Prof. Jerzy Merkisz, PhD, Eng. Price for 2nd degree scientific achievements: • PhD, Eng. Dariusz Brzeziński MNiSW awards are confered yearly for the outstanding scientific or scientific-technical achievements (in...
