Jan Amos Komeński State University of Applied Sciences in Leszno was established under the decision of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Poland of 1 July 1999.
The University initially offered first cycle degree programmes but in 2016 its offer was extended by introducing second cycle degree programmes. As the very first higher education school in Poland, Jan Amos Komeński University of Applied Sciences in Leszno offered its students an innovative dual – study mode, combining work and study simultaneously.
There are approximatelly 1 thousand students studying both time and part time wide range of fields and subject areas of diversified study profiles. Upon graduation, our students are awarded the Polish degrees on the first cycle: licencjat (Batchelor of Arts), inżynier (Batchelor of Science) ot the second cycle/long-cycle:magister (Master's degrees)
The patron of our University is Jan Amos Komeński (John Amos Comenius), a Czech teacher and philosopher.
Jan Amos Komeński State University of Applied Sciences in Leszno is financed from the state budget as well as the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.