Cracow University of Economics (CUE) was established in 1925 as the Higher Trade School. During these 89 years of tradition and experience, the name and the profile of the university changed frequently but one thing remained unchanged - the quality of education, which has always been confirmed by national rankings and indexes. Nowadays, CUE ranks among Poland’s leading universities, being a significant educational and research centre. It consists of four faculties: Economics and International Relations, Finance, Commodity Science and Management.
Cracow University of Economics maintains close contacts and cooperation with over 200 foreign universities as well as many international organizations and institutions, including companies. The University is actively engaged in international student exchange programmes (Erasmus, CEEPUS, FSS, STEP, Double Diploma and bilateral agreements) which enable its students to complete part of their studies in partner institutions abroad, while international students from those institutions join study programmes in Krakow. CUE is a member of prestigious international networks and organizations such as NIBES, EBC, EUA and EMBS.