Philology: English Philology
Apart from advanced language skills (level C2 according to the European Council Common European Framework of Reference for Languages with regard to one foreign language), a graduate is provided with comprehensive and extensive knowledge in the field of selected specialization: linguistics, literature studies, culture studies, or applied linguistics. He can integrate knowledge from various humanistic disciplines and apply it to untypical professional situations; he can independently solve professional problems and draft relevant opinions based on incomplete or limited information in accordance with the principles of ethics, law and economics. A graduate can professionally communicate with experts and non-experts as well as organize teamwork. He has an open attitude to other languages and cultures. Depending on the selected specialization, a graduate is prepared to work in the institutions of culture, state administration, education, in publishing houses, journal editor’s offices, mass media, culture and research institutions as well as in the services sector requiring advanced knowledge of languages and cultures. What is more, a graduate can work as a foreign language teacher provided he has completed teaching specialization (pursuant to educational standards of the UwB Centre of Lifelong Learning). A graduate is prepared to undertake research challenges and third cycle study (PhD).