University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Agricultural, forestry and veterinary sciences
Master's Programme
Mode of studies: 
full-time programme
Tuition fee: 
1200 EUR/ semester
Degree awarded: 
Master of Science
Application deadline: 
Sunday, 12 February, 2017
Day of semester start: 
Wednesday, 1 March, 2017
Credits (ECTS): 
Admission requirements: 

1. Candidates applying for admission into a postgraduate programme in a field that differs from their undergraduate studies must first earn at least 50% of the total number of credits available in the core and elective subjects included in the corresponding undergraduate curriculum. These candidates must submit an undergraduate diploma supplement showing all the core and elective subjects they covered during their undergraduate studies.
2. A candidate not meeting the requirement set forth in section 1 above may be asked to attend paid courses in such subjects as they need to cover in order to meet that requirement. However, this option will be only available when the number of such make-up courses is no higher than five. The fee charged for participation in the make-up courses will be equivalent to the fee charged for repeating the relevant course within a full- or part-time undergraduate programme, as published in the Rector's Regulation valid at the time.


Our objectives
Our graduates are able to find work in the offices of the State Forests administration, in community-based forest administration and with other forest owners, in national parks and landscape parks, in forest management companies, at the schools and universities running forestry syllabi and courses and at forestry research institutes and other institutions engaged in both forest and area management.