Medical University
Medical, health and sport sciences
Doctoral studies
Mode of studies: 
full-time programme
4 years
Tuition fee: 
Entrance exam – 1.000 PLN (≈250 Euro) Tuition fee – 20.000 PLN/semester (≈5000 Euro/semester)
Degree awarded: 
Application deadline: 
Friday, 30 September, 2016
Day of semester start: 
Thursday, 1 October, 2015
Credits (ECTS): 
min. 30 max. 45 points
Admission requirements: 

The following forms are required at entrance:

  • Expression of will to be admitted to the Doctorate Studies of the Faculty of Medicine, Medical University of Gdańsk directed to the Rector of the MUG
  • Curriculum Vitae (please include the following statement “The Medical University of Gdańsk has my permission to use the information included in this document for the purpose of recruitment to the Doctorate Studies of the Faculty of Medicine, Medical University of Gdańsk)
  • Certified copy of M.D. or M.Sc. diploma or predicted day of your M.Sc. defense
  • Student’s book transcript
  • Short description of the scientific project you would like to perform during your Ph.D. studies
  • Copy of publications or other scientific achievements
  • Certificates confirming English language skills
  • Certificates confirming other languages skills
  • Four passport photos

Doctorate Studies last four years. There are around 160 hours of mandatory activities each year. Passing of the exam at the end of each of those activities is necessary to receive ECTS credits and finally Ph.D. degree. Nevertheless, for those with rapid progress in their research projects, there is a possibility to accomplish the course and receive the degree earlier.

The university provides research programmes in all major fields of modern medicine and biomedical studies. We take a part in many national and international scientific projects, which allows our students to realize at least part of their studies in partner universities from all over the world. The major activity of the students is focused on the field of medicine chosen by the student. The main aim of the studies is to deliver novel high quality research presented as your Ph.D. thesis and then as a research presentation during scientific congresses and original papers published in international peer-reviewed journals. This way, we build up your career and support your role as future leaders in your field of medicine. In order to help you achieving these goals, there are doctoral seminars where you can discuss your plans and results. Academic staff attends the seminars as well as takes a part in your daily activities providing you all necessary help.

There is an individual tutor for every Ph.D. student, usually a member of senior staff with Associate Professor degree or higher, who is directly responsible for the development of your research and didactic activities.

Apart from the research in your area of interest, the university provides uniform cluster of subjects for all Ph.D. students to support your interdisciplinary skills.

Having substantial level of education in your field already, you will be also trained to teach pregraduate students.