Application form - https://apply.ue.poznan.pl/;
High School Diploma (legalized copy in English or Polish, adjusted apostille) and legalised Bachelor diploma;
certificate of English language skills (min. IELTS 7.0);
entrance medical record;
proof of medical support (a copy of health insurance policy);
copy of passport;
copy of visa or residence card;
digital photo (size 20x25mm, in .jpg or .tif format, resolution 300dpi);
confirmation of admission and tuition fee payment.
Additional subjects:
Basics of calculus
Basics of linear algebra
Basics of financial mathematics
The programme is based on two groups of subjects:
- IT, selected courses: Information systems, Information technology, Computer programming, Database systems, Digital content management, Business processes in organisations, Advanced internet technologies.
- Economics and management, selected courses: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Law, Corporate finance, Financial accounting, Electronic economy, E-business strategies.
All the prognoses and job market analyses show that demand for e-business specialists will be growing, not only in Poland but also in Europe and the USA. Our graduates having studied IT, economics and management will have a competitive advantage on the global job market.
Future employment options:
- Consulting companies
- IT companies
- International corporations
- SMEs
- Local administration
- EU administration