International relations
Master's Programme
Mode of studies: 
full-time programme
2 years
Tuition fee: 
5200 PLN/sem
Degree awarded: 
Bachelor of Arts
Application deadline: 
Sunday, 4 August, 2024
Day of semester start: 
Tuesday, 1 October, 2024
Credits (ECTS): 
Admission requirements: 

Bachelor, master, engineer or equivalent degree entitling the candidate to undertake master level education. 

Certificate of English Language Proficiency at least at B2 level. 

Candidates are admitted on the basis of the submission of the required documents if their field of study at BA level was: 

Political Science 

International Relations  

National Security 

Internal Security 

Or similar  

Other candidates : 

Online interview in English ( 0-100 points)  

Candidates with less than 30 points will not be considered eligible. 


Why is the International Politics and Diplomacy worth your time?

Interdisciplinary approach to the topics of international relations, politics, security and select aspects of international law (e.g. humanitarian law, diplomatic law);
Discussions focused only on contemporary challenges, such as: cybersecurity, climate negotiations, military relations and strategic partnerships;
Studies at one of the best universities in Poland, awarded the research university title;
Studies at Faculty of Politics Science and Security Studies of Nicolaus Copernicus University, which obtained ministerial scientific category “A” in two evaluation cycles in a row;
Completing full time master degree programe boost command of the English language to proficiency;
A great idea for ambitious students looking for opportunities to study contemporary, relevant topics – also as a second field of study;
Studying International Politics and Diplomacy you are eligible to apply for all scholarships offered to students of Nicolaus Copernicus University;
We offer student exchange opportunities (e.g. under ERASMUS + programme). Faculty of Politics Science and Security Studies has signed international agreements with over sixty universities!

International Politics and Diplomacy studies are simultaneously offered to international students. Thus, Polish students will have ongoing contact with their foreign colleagues. Such multinational participation in all activities will result in more interesting, multi-faceted and lively exchange of knowledge, thoughts and views.

Graduates of the International Relations and Diplomacy will be prepared to work:

for national governmental agencies and bodies, both at home and in their international offices;
at institutions and private companies in the sphere of security;
for non-governmental institutions, foundations and associations (NGO sphere);
for international organisations;
at think tanks focused on current analysis of the changing political environment from an international relations perspective and as analysts of political/geopolitical conditions;
in the media as commenters on phenomena and processes observable in politics, security and international relations;
in international corporations (in particular in planning and development departments, in communications).