Physics and astronomy
Master's Programme
Mode of studies: 
full-time programme
2 years
Tuition fee: 
5 000 PLN per semester
Degree awarded: 
Master of Science
Application deadline: 
Sunday, 4 August, 2024
Day of semester start: 
Tuesday, 1 October, 2024
Credits (ECTS): 
60 per year
Admission requirements: 

Bachelor, master, engineer or equivalent degree in sciences i.e. astronomy, informatics, mathematics, biological sciences, chemical sciences, physical sciences, earth and environmental sciences entitling the candidate to undertake master level education, Certificate of English Language Proficiency at least at B2 level.

Interview assessing the knowledge of physics and astronomy. The candidate can be awarded up to 100 points for the interview. The minimum requirement is 40 points.

The Admissions Committe may establish a list of subjects (from the undergraduate program) which the candidate will have to additionally complete after admission to university, pursuing an individual study programme. For the interview, candidates are obliged to enclose via the IRK system a transcript of records from the university at which they studied.


Physics and Astronomy (PandA) is a new and interdisciplinary full-time, four-semester program of English-language studies at the MSc-level. The program aims to prepare a student for a career in academic research as well as in other sectors, such as industry or education, which require an analytical approach to problem solving.

PandA program includes a wide range of courses (lectures / seminars / laboratories etc.) combining modules in Physics and Astronomy, and it equips students with the knowledge on the advanced topics spanning from atoms and molecules to the Universe. The program is closely linked to research topics represented at the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics. Each student will have the opportunity to tailor their study profile and develop the skills by selecting appropriate courses. Students can also join research groups at the Faculty to get acquainted with the research activity.