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10 Rules To Becoming A Successful Student

Nowadays, thorough assimilation of new knowledge is one of the basic skills needed on the market. Learning quickly gives you a great competitive edge. We have compiled 10 strategies to help you learn and remember knowledge faster, especially in the middle of the academic year in Poland.

1. C-R-E-M-I - ideal student strategy

C – Creativity: confidently use your own strategies and styles, and use your imagination as you study.

R – Reflection: use your own experience, analyse and evaluate your work and achievements.

E – Efficiency: organise your space and time, thoughts and resources with maximum benefit. Set your priorities.

M – Motivation: be fully aware of the result you need to achieve, and keep yourself in good shape with short- and long-term “tasks”.

I – Initiative: participate in the learning process physically and mentally, do not be afraid to take responsibility and innovate

2. The best expert in the world is YOU

When you don't know how to handle a particular job, imagine you are a professor or inventor facing a problem of global importance. Experts think the problem is difficult, but they are better at solving complex problems. Many students fear that they do not have the ability to excel in whatever they have chosen to study. Some did not do very well in school and worry that they are “fated to be” bad students. Negative thoughts like these can make your studies very difficult. There are certain exercises that can help you cope with panic attacks and become less critical of yourself.

3. Use all your senses

The more you use your sight, hearing and touch, and the more you use muscles in your body to look, speak, write, type on a computer, draw, or simply move, the more information and data you offer to your brain. The brain will receive information from various sources.

4. Discover your interests

It is hard to learn if you are worried or bored and much easier to imagine the result you want than learn from a sense of duty. Some moments may not hold as much interest - for example, writing term papers, taking exams and keeping tight deadlines. But these things are usually more satisfying when they are done well. It is up to you to find the grains of gold in the sand.

5. Study actively

Studying has more value when you are active and personally motivated. This means analysing the information from different angles, honing your attention, and finding connections between facts. With this approach, even the smallest task will inspire you to study the material actively. Universities usually expect some preparation from you. And, of course, as a student, you are expected to take your studies seriously. You can only act responsibly if you feel confident and ready to study at the level you have chosen. Make sure you are ready.

6. Find your own learning style

It should come as no surprise to you that everyone learns differently. Experiment with teaching strategies and skills that you are not very confident in. The human brain is a superbly adaptable system. Several learning strategies and styles can be used and combined with various assignments. If your curriculum is structured in such a way that does not always suit your learning preferences, you can “adapt”. For instance, if you prefer to work with other students, organise study groups, and share your studies with friends, work in the library and participate in student life. If you like to work according to your own schedule, organise your time so that you feel like it belongs only to you.

7. Think about your future career from the first day of school

Learning should not be an abstract process. Your goal is to become a professional and get a good job. You will achieve this if you demonstrate exactly the skills and experience that an employer needs. While studying at university, try to acquire soft skills such as:

  • teamwork
  • problem-solving
  • creative thinking
  • self-organisation

Use every opportunity to develop these abilities, including group assignments, practice sessions, and internships.

8. Track your progress and measure yourself objectively

Write down the steps you have taken to develop a skill. Define what progress means to you. This can be a solution to a specific personal problem (for example, to get a certain grade for an assignment), or a small step towards solving a problem (for example, to ask the teacher a question for the first time, to learn to arrive on time if you have a problem with time management). It is important to become aware of the qualities and skills that you already possess. You can do this explicitly by filling out a survey, assessing yourself, and prioritising and gathering information about yourself. Gradually, your self-awareness will deepen. Introspection and personal development are helpful in all areas of life, including your studies.

9. Learn to use information correctly

In most universities, it is not about the number of facts that you cited in your answer, but how you use the data. It is not enough to simply memorise selected paragraphs for an exam. You are expected to demonstrate skill in evaluating and choosing what is meaningful and omit information that is not important. With this in mind, your goal is to connect different ideas and thoughts, understand what you have learned, and structure your thoughts and knowledge in a way that creates a convincing argument.

10. Learn to relax

Your studies are likely to be ineffective if you:

  • continue to work even when you are too tired to concentrate;
  • listen or read passively instead of asking questions and questioning what you have heard or read;
  • allow your thoughts to wander somewhere far away while you study;
  • memorise the material without understanding what you are learning;
  • do not ask for help when you really need it;
  • do not link related knowledge you have received while studying various subjects;
  • do not relate the material to real life.

If you avoid these pitfalls, you will learn effectively.

Hopefully, these tips will be useful for you. Click here to read an interview with a Bulgarian student about studying online in Poland.

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