University of Technology
Technological sciences
Bachelor Programme
Mode of studies: 
full-time programme
4 years
Tuition fee: 
8000 PLN per academic semester
Degree awarded: 
inżynier (engineer)
Scholarships available: 
After 1st year, best students can apply for Rector's scholarship.
Application deadline: 
Wednesday, 10 July, 2024
Day of semester start: 
Tuesday, 1 October, 2024
Credits (ECTS): 
240 per 8 semesters
Admission requirements: 

On our website - www.rekrutacja.p.lodz.pl under " International Candidates" you can find information concerning the admission process including: the list of required documents, available courses, grades required for entry, tuition fees, scholarships, contest- study for free, language requirements etc.

You can also use our search engine to check the programmes offered at TUL and choose the most suitable ones - https://rekrutacja.p.lodz.pl/en/study-programmes?jezyk[]=307&jezyk[]=308


Advanced Biobased and Bioinspired Materials is a degree programme directed by the Faculty of Chemistry. It is taught exclusively in English. It is interdisciplinary and includes selected topics in chemistry, biology, medicine, physics, and technical sciences. The objective of the degree programme is to teach the design, production and analysis of the qualities of functional materials for medical and biological purposes, their applications and methods of utilization. The curriculum also includes content related to technological processes based on bioresources.

The Advanced Biobased and Bioinspired Materials degree programme is taught with modern teaching methods based on solving real-life problems and group work.


Core course units:

Introduction to laboratory work
Biochemistry, biophysics
Synthesis and physicochemical properties of polymer components
Modern techniques in biomaterials and nanostructures synthesis and analysis
Bioresources, bio-based materials, life cycle, biodegradation
Tuning of biobased materials’ applicabilities
Polymer composites mimicking nature
Emerging technologies inspired by nature
Supramolecular self-organisation inspired by nature
Emerging technologies inspired by nature
Fundamentals of business


Each student pursuing a degree in Advanced Biobased and Bioinspired Materials completes at least one semester abroad as part of their programme of study (the 6th semester, called the Mobility Semester).


Graduate profile: 

With regard to the professional knowledge and skills, graduates are prepared to pursue careers that involve:

selection, tuning of the qualities of biomaterials, analysis of biomaterials, design of medical products of a desired applicability, design, separation, and analysis of biomaterials used, among others, in medical diagnosis.

Graduates also have the skills that enable them to solve problems related to the broadly construed field of biomaterials independently, and, at the same time, to work in international teams and communicate with specialists in various other fields (including medicine, materials science, chemistry, biology, biochemistry).

Graduates are able to pursue employment in business organizations, scientific institutions, research and development institutions, certifying bodies, consulting agencies dealing in the broadly construed field of biomaterials and functional materials as well as in related branches of industry or science that require the knowledge and skills acquired while pursuing a degree in Advanced Biomaterials and Bioinspired Materials (e.g. chemical, pharmaceutical, or fuel industry), and in the sector of advanced technology. They are able to work as biomaterials designers, technologists. Graduates are prepared to pursue a second and a third cycle degrees and work in interdisciplinary national and international teams.