Foreign Secondary School Certificate + certificate - English at level B2 (see the list)
Competition on the basis of secondary school certificate – the result of the written test is scored on the two of following subjects:
a) Polish language or native language (50% of the final result) and
b) one of the following subjects: mathematics, foreign language, history, biology, chemistry, physics, informatics, civic education, geography, Latin and ancient culture, history of art, history of music or philosophy (50% of the final result). If an applicant passed more than one of the above subjects, the best result is taken into consideration. Your results will be converted into Polish grading system according to score convertion rules.
OR International Baccalaureate Diploma /European Baccalaureate Diploma
Studies prepare for:
- helps cultivate critical and analytical thinking skills, teaches orientation in various areas of social life
- equips for participation in interdisciplinary projects and in a variety of social roles
- prepares for work in scientific, educational, cultural and administrative institutions
Compulsory work placements:
Students enjoy an opportunity of gaining practical work experience from the obligatory student practice programmes at Lublin City Office, Majdanek State Museum, MakoLab S.A. and a range of similar institutions across a number of sectors.
Professional skills: Our graduates possess basic research skills including formulating and analysing research problems, selecting research methods and tools, processing and presenting research results. Philosophy graduates can prove logical theorems, determine the logical structure of statements (propositions), paraphrase natural language utterances in the languages of various logical systems.