Applied Geology: Economic Geology
The graduates have a broad knowledge on prospecting, documenting and evaluating of mineral deposits. They are able to plan and perform an exploration program depending on genetic type of deposit and searched elements as well as controlling process of excavation of ore horizon. Knowledge acquired during studies allows to choose optimal field and laboratory assay methods necessary for both prospecting and documentation reports. Our graduates know how to perform a field works and are familiar with methodology of different sampling methods. Theory knowledge is not all. During studies, graduates take part in obligatory field works and diploma field works. Place of diploma field works depends on the thesis (in last few years, graduates had diploma field works in Poland, Ukraine, Kosovo, Slovakia, Australia, Laos and Mongolia).
The Economic Geology graduates know how to evaluate collected samples under the microscope, choose samples for further chemical assay and evaluate results, described drill core (logging) and evaluate mineral deposits including, and calculate resources and reserves based on 3-4D model of deposit. Knowledge acquired in Economic Geology studies allows our graduates to use the newest software to present all sort of data as maps, diagrams, profiles, controlling validation of extracted mineral commodities and cooperate with miners fulfilling geological service. They are also familiar with software for mineral deposit modeling, reserve calculation and open-cut and underground mining management.
The Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection cooperates with the Career Office of the AGH – UST, which prepares annual reports, the conclusions of which are taken into account in the program changes. Changes in the programs are also consulted with the faculty student self-government. The Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection obtained institutional accreditation with distinction.
The study program envisages the implementation of education modules based on certified and licensed geophysical data processing systems that are used in the mining industry.
Representatives of the Department conduct monitoring of job fairs organized by AGH-UST and other universities as well as external entities. Applications regarding potential employment opportunities in enterprises seeking employees are included in the study program. Cooperation agreements with private companies and local administration authorities and national are signed. During negotiations of these agreements, the subject of expectations of these entities as future potential employers in relation to the Faculty's graduates is discussed.
Thanks to direct contacts of Faculty employees with graduates from previous years, information, opinions and suggestions regarding trends in the geological-resource, prospecting and mining industry are obtained. The Department also offers employment offers for graduates, or offers for paid internships for graduates and students. All requirements contained in these offers are taken into account when formulating the study program or modifying the programs of individual subjects.