Geophysics: Applied Geophysics
The acquired knowledge of the application of geophysical methods allows graduates of the Applied Geophysics to use these methods for exploratory and engineering tasks. In addition, graduates are able to design and perform geophysical surveys for the assessment of natural hazards and induced by human activities, in particular threats associated with obtaining energy and raw materials. An additional skill is the planning and implementation of geophysical monitoring of the environment in time and space.
Graduates are prepared to work in geophysical, geological and mining enterprises. They also have qualifications allowing them to undertake research in higher schools, scientific and research institutes and other development units. In addition, they are prepared to undertake third-degree studies (PhD studies) due to the fact that they have mathematical-physical and IT knowledge to the extent that they allow creative work.
Graduates of Applied Geophysics will find employment in companies with geophysical, geological and mining profile. They can work independently in the field by carrying out measuring work. They can also work as system designers for the processing and interpretation of geophysical and geological-mining data. In addition, they can work in geophysical observatories and operate seismometric networks in hard coal and copper mines.
As people with a good knowledge of exact sciences and IT tools, they can also work in other institutions requiring higher technical education and different branches of geophysics, e.g: exploration geophysics, engineering geophysics, environmental geophysics. They can find job as: acquisition geophysicists, petroleum geophysicists, mining geophysicists, environmental geophysicists, petrophysicists, seismologists.
The Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection cooperates with the Career Office of the AGH - UST, which prepares annual reports, the conclusions of which are taken into account in the program changes. Changes in the programs are also consulted with the faculty student self-government.
The study program envisages the implementation of education modules based on certified and licensed geophysical data processing systems that are used in the oil, mining and geophysical industry (Techlog, Promax, Hampson-Russell, Petrel, etc.)
Representatives of the Department conduct monitoring of job fairs organized by AGH-UST and other universities as well as external entities. Applications regarding potential employment opportunities in enterprises seeking employees are included in the study program. Cooperation agreements with private companies (eg BAARS, Geod) and local administration authorities (Limanowa, Sławków, and Olkusz Communes) and national (Regional Water Management Authority in Krakow, Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Bydgoszcz) are signed. During negotiations of these agreements, the subject of expectations of these entities as future potential employers in relation to the Faculty's graduates is discussed.
Thanks to direct contacts of Faculty employees with graduates from previous years, information, opinions and suggestions regarding trends in the geological-resource, geotechnical and hydrogeological industry are obtained. The Department also offers employment offers for graduates, or offers for paid internships for graduates and students. All requirements contained in these offers are taken into account when formulating the study program or modifying the programs of individual subjects.
For more information please contact:
Faculty of Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection
dr inż. Monika Łój