Applied Geology: Earth and Extraterrestrial Materials
The program of the Earth and Extraterrestrial Materials specialty will be implemented in a modern way to take into account the contemporary needs of graduates as well as from the range of contemporary educational directions in the world. The range of subjects and scope have been selected in terms of the graduate's vision developed through scientific international collaboration, job fairs, graduate employment offers, direct contacts with companies and government bodies, and emerging on an ongoing basis in collaboration with research and development centers, industry and scientific institutes. Job market is very broad and requires broad education. The curriculum includes topics covering practical engineering problems in geology, knowledge of modern material technologies derived from raw materials, and understanding of the laws and mechanisms that govern Nature. Geological knowledge is integrated with a broad knowledge of the environment on Earth and other planets.
Graduates will understand and be able to use professional terminology in English. The thematic fragmentation of subjects is reduced, and the program emphasizes practical, field activities and student self-development. The program takes into account all individual needs of students improving equity, diversity, and inclusion in academia. Graduates will think and act creatively and in an entrepreneurial manner. Well-educated graduates of the Earth and Extraterrestrial Materials specialty will have sound fundamental knowledge and a concrete practical expertise that will allow them to join in solving the most urgent problems of the modern world.
The Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection cooperates with the Career Office of the AGH – UST, which prepares annual reports, the conclusions of which are taken into account in the program changes. The Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection obtained institutional accreditation with distinction.
Representatives of the Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection conduct monitoring of job fairs organized by AGH-UST and other universities as well as external entities. Applications regarding potential employment opportunities in enterprises seeking employees are included in the study program. Cooperation agreements with private companies (e.g., BAARS, Geod) as well as local (Limanowa, Sławków, and Olkusz Communes) and national administration agencies (Regional Water Management Authority in Kraków, Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Bydgoszcz) are signed. During negotiations of these agreements, the subject of expectations of these entities as future potential employers in relation to the Faculty’s graduates is discussed. Thanks to direct contacts of Faculty employees with graduates
from previous years, information, opinions, and suggestions regarding trends in the geological-resource, geotechnical and hydrogeological industry are obtained. The Department also offers employment offers for graduates or offers for paid internships for graduates and students. All requirements contained in these offers are taken into account when formulating the study program or modifying the programs of individual subjects.